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The average price per square meter in Volta Quarter was 5,161 euros, exceeding both the market average and the average for Põhja-Tallinn.
We are giving away €49,000 worth of gifts when you purchase a new home during the holidays! Discounts on business units up to -€100,000 during the holidays!
North Tallinn, especially the so-called golden mile of Noblessner-Volta-Krulli, needs more support services and retail spaces to provide residents and workers with access to everything they need within the framework of the 15-minute city.
The new phase of Volta will introduce three additional A-energy-rated apartment buildings, designed by the Apex architecture firm, into this historic quarter built on the principles of the 15-minute city.
The new elegant urban homes retain the heritage and spirit of the building—historical elements and valuable architectural features have been preserved in both the exterior and interior.
Beautiful architecture, brand new electric cars, oysters, bubbly, flowing music, and street dance. We are waiting for you to enjoy all this and much more in the historic Volta quarter in the heart of Kalamaja already on September 14th from 12 to 3pm.
The new 10-kilometer route of Estonia’s largest popular sporting event will pass through the Volta Quarter
Gifts worth up to 49,000 euros! We will cover the EURIBOR costs of financing your purchase for the whole year and we give your new home or business premise a 3-year WARRANTY!
Several new and old buildings have been completed and are ready to host various events, concerts or pop-up businesses this summer.
Despite the downturn in the real estate market, December was one of the most successful months for Endover last year – 18 transactions were concluded in Tallinn, the turnover amounted to 5 million euros, and about 1,200 square meters of new apartments and commercial premises found their owners.
2022 was a year of success for the developer of Volta Quarter: several new buildings were completed, big projects sold out and a new and exciting project launched.
In one of the largest developments in Northern Tallinn, 173 apartments and over 2,200 m² of commercial space will be completed in this and the next year.
New fitness club in VOLTA!